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Свет увидел AV Linux 5. 0 - Скачать

Свет увидел AV Linux 5. 0 - Скачать

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Свет увидел AV Linux 5. 0, новейший прочный релиз построенного на кодовой базе Debian дистрибутива с рабочим столом LXDE и комплектом ПО для сотворения мультимедийного контента. AV Linux может действовать как live DVD либо live USB, либо же существовать установленным на жёсткий диск и употребляться в качестве операционной системы всеобщего назначения для исполнения каждодневных задач.

Some Clarification About AV Linux:

It is no secret that there are numerous excellent Multimedia-focused Linux distributions available, all of them are unique in some way and have a particular area of focus. AV Linux is no different in this regard and for the sake of clarification and comparison I'd like to outline what the principles behind AV Linux are since there occasionally seems to be some misunderstanding. First and foremost AV Linux has the main thrust of development put into the ISO image and is intended to provide a full A/V Workstation OS right from the ISO itself, if the end-user had no internet connection at all AV Linux would still be quite capable of creating their Multimedia content, if Debian Linux was to close it's doors the day AV Linux was released it would continue to be a viable OS for quite some time given the unparalled development environment it provides on the ISO. Because of this concentrated effort on the ISO image AV Linux is 'Image-based'. Obviously the reality is that most users DO have internet access and Debian Linux is alive and well so of course an install of AV Linux is also compatible with the Debian Linux repositories and the thousands of optional packages they provide. Currently due to my time constraints of being an otherwise employed single developer AV Linux does not have it's own repository but provides a full variety of optional custom packages in it's own packages archive. Perhaps most noticeably AV Linux differs greatly in it's approach to updating software, the ISO is presented as a thoroughly-tested and working OS and making any software changes should be looked upon as being on an as-needed basis only. A great deal of behind the scenes custom packaging has gone into the ISO to ensure all of the included applications function as intended, if some bugs are found in a particular application then of course every effort will be made to fix them but arbitrarily updating the whole system is something that is NOT encouraged. To illustrate, if you had a car that needed a new spark plug you wouldn't take it to the local garage and replace the entire engine, so why do so many Linux operating systems constantly push their users into daily full system updates? An A/V workstation is a much different paradigm than a regular Desktop OS so for this reason AV Linux does not do any automatic updates to itself, all adding and removing of software is dictated by the user.. I sometimes am confused as to whether Linux users install their OS to actually put it to use or if the primary motivation is to experiment with updating software...? AV Linux 5.0 comes with the Debian Squeeze repositories enabled and therefore can be updated like other Linux distributions with whatever updates come through Squeeze. To clarify this does not mean that effort is not made to keep in pace with new developments, in a combination of updated ISO's and custom packaging AV Linux keeps in step with the constant development in Linux Multimedia. Possibly the most overlooked capability of AV Linux is the flexibility of the Remastersys Tools, this combination of backup utility/installer allows the user to customize AV Linux exactly as they want and create a personal version quickly and easily as well as backing up their working system with a few mouse clicks.

AV Linux Contributors:

Glen MacArthur (GMaq) - Developer, Maintainer, Customization and Packaging

Tony Brijeski (fragadelic) - Remastersys Backup, Installer, USB Key Tool and Deb builder, GRUB sgfxi mode, PVR Tools

Trulan Martin (trulan) - AV Linux 5.0 Kernel development, ffado firewire guru and numerous other tweaks and suggestions

Allen Tate (Rock and Roll Over) - AV Linux Download Torrents - Please help Allen seed the torrents if you can!

Ben Loftis - Harrison Mixbus, a huge thanks for his support of AV Linux as a Mixbus Platform

RevLinux - AV Linux forum hosting

Thanks also to trulan, linuxdsp, danboid, varpa, Rock and Roll Over and Prof Knaackenbroed for their input, suggestions and pre-testing of AV Linux 5.0.

AV Linux 5.0 Features/Improvements:

- Kernel with IRQ Threading/rtirq-init activated, this Kernel is what Linux Audio users have been waiting years for!

NOTE: Although the stock Kernel is non-Liquorix, AV Linux still contains the Liquorix repositories for users who prefer them

- Complete full-featured Desktop package selection including LibreOffice 3.4

- RTC (Real Time Clock) permissions set by default on the LiveDVD

- FFADO SVN Firewire drivers with daisy-chaining on the new Juju Stack.

- AV Linux comes ready for pcm_multi multiple ice1712 soundcards (ie M-Audio1010LT).

- Full support for compiling and running Ardour 2.X, ArdourVST, Ardour 3.0, and Ardour Mixbus.

NOTE: AV Linux is a recommended platform for Harrison Mixbus and the website is a Mixbus Store affiliate.

- Jack Session ready Ardour, Qtractor, Bristol, Specimen, and more to come.

- LV2 plugin support with existing slv2 and newer lilv libraries.

- Unparalled default development environment with Compiling, Source Code Acquisition and Packaging Tools.

- Four major Linux NLE Video Editors on one LiveDVD! (Openshot 1.31, Kdenlive 0.8, LiVES 1.43, and Cinelerra 2.1.5CV)

- New GRUB2 based Remastersys Installer that now allows for installation of other locales

- New complete packaging for all Commercial Demos and Non-Debian stuff so it can now easily be removed with Synaptic

- New AV Linux Control Panel with many improvements suggested by users

- GRUB SGFXI mode for much more streamlined proprietary nVidia/ATi graphics installs

- ATi Modesetting disabled on the LiveDVD for more reliable booting on systems with certain ATi Graphics cards

- Expanded User Manual

- Better default filetype detection for common filetypes (ie Desktop Manual automatically opens with Evince)

- Full PVR Support for Hauppauge WinTV PVR Capture Cards

- OOTB 'Media Keys' keybinding support with both Openbox and Compiz

- Linuxsampler with GIG, SF2, SFZ Support and Fantasia frontend

- Wine, Java and Multimedia Codecs all ready to go

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